Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Program Kusta Berbasis Geografis di Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2005

Haeria Haeria


Kusta yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium leprae merupakan penyakit menular dengan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Tiga tahun terakhir, Kabupaten Cirebon yang melaporkan 1.207 penderita kusta (Prevalence 1,69/10.000 penduduk), belum mencapai tahap eliminas sehinga penularan masuh berlansung. Tujuan penelitian mengembangan sistem informasi kusta berbasis geografis yang dapat dijadikan solusi percepatan eliminasi kusta di Kabupaten Cirebon. Metoda yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle, yaitu planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance dan evaluation system. Hai tersebut dilakukan dengan memadukan konsep Data Base Management System dan data spasial. Hasil analisis sistem dapat mengidentifikasi masalah manajemen penanggulangan kusta serta alternatif solusi pada level input, proses dan output. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Sistem ini didesain untuk kemudahan input data dan otomasi proses pengolahan menjadi informasi. Interpretasi epidemiologis kusta pada visual peta dapat mengetahui model difusi transmisi kasus dan jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan (Puskesmas) dalam penanggulangan kusta.Kata Kunci: Sistem informasi geografis, eliminasi, kustaLeprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae is a contagious disease that generates complex problems. Over the last three years, the District of Cirebon reported 1,207 leprosy cases (prevalence rate 1.69/10,000 population) and had not yet reach leprosy elimination situation, thus the disease was keep spreading. The purpose of this system development was to develop an application of Leprosy System Information Program Based on geographical information system for leprosy elimination acceleration program in Cirebon. The method used in this study was System Development Life Cycle method (planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation), by combining Data Base Management System concept and spatial data. Data and information needed were collected by interview and document observation. The system was designed for facilitating data input and automation of its process mechanism to produce information. Output were in form of regular report, tabulation, graphic, and area endemic mapping information with urban smallest observation unit. Epidemiologic interpretation on leprosy case from visual map can identify case transmission diffusion model and health service (Puskesmas) range capac- ity in leprosy elimination.Keywords: Geographical information system, elimination, leprosy

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